Getting the most bang for your conference buck includes successful networking. Planning ahead will secure that and let you feel confident before you arrive.

Getting the most bang for your conference buck includes successful networking. Planning ahead will secure that and let you feel confident before you arrive.
First, always make sure that both parties are fine with an introduction. If you are overbooked week after week, the last thing you really want is an introduction to another potential client, or worse, someone who “wants to pick your brain.” If someone is asking you for an introduction, and you don’t know them well, they seem questionable at best, or if they are looking to talk to your superstar client, be wary. You don’t need to say “Yes!” and feel free to employ the “Power of No!” that I’ve written about a time or two. Remember, having a diverse quality network is important for you and your business.
Are you going to stop in at the Small BIZ VT Summit this week and have a meet & greet with some of Vermont’s small business assets? Held at Burlington’s Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, this first time event is going to be great, so come on down!
Out of the Office Virtual Assistance is participating in another upcoming conference – Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce’s small BIZ VT summit next month. While we are excited to exhibit and meet some great folks, there is always that gut-tightening feeling. No .. I’m not talking about nerves. I reserve that for the 2-3 days before the conference. What eats away at my psyche is finding eco-friendly collateral materials and promotional items to have in our booth.
Working hard to maintain our green policies, it can be very challenging, and somewhat disheartening, to plan for a conference. The obvious “gimmicks” – disposable pens, post-it’s, key chains, etc. When you remove plastics and disposables, you’re not left with many affordable options. Since we run paperless, using a promotional item such as journals, are hypocritical. So what are some other options?