
Getting Started with a Virtual Team
Getting Started with a Virtual Team

Getting Started with a Virtual Team

Like with any business, it’s important to manage expectations and have clear boundaries. This is even more important with a virtual business so make sure that you have clear, measurable goals in place and that your processes and vision are communicated effectively. Your team always needs to feel supported.

Burned Out? Here’s 8 Ways to Avoid & Eliminate It
Burned Out? Here’s 8 Ways to Avoid & Eliminate It

Burned Out? Here’s 8 Ways to Avoid & Eliminate It

If you aren’t working, you aren’t making money. That’s the express lane to burnout. How can you prevent it or handle it if you’ve already started feeling it? And how can you do so without causing strain on your relationships with your clients? Here are 8 tips to follow when you start feeling like you can’t take it anymore.

Don’t be a Defeatist! Eliminate Self-Limiting Behavior
Don’t be a Defeatist! Eliminate Self-Limiting Behavior

Don’t be a Defeatist! Eliminate Self-Limiting Behavior

In order to be a successful entrepreneur, you must first get past any thoughts or beliefs that are self-limiting. These thoughts and beliefs will hinder the success of your business. There is room for improvement in your business but you must realize the difference between finding areas to improve and having self-limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Are You Writing to Be a Leader?
Are You Writing to Be a Leader?

Are You Writing to Be a Leader?

A virtual assistant schedule can be frantic. Finding time to spend with family and to recharge is important in between working at the office, traveling to conferences and meeting with potential clients. Not much time is left for writing, though, but you must do it nonetheless. For the best return on the time you invest, try to write deliberately – think about what and how of your writing. Don’t just write to teach others or to boost your business, write to become an improved leader. The rest – authority, clients, business – will come naturally.