Tag Archives: Hootsuite

Social Media Automation Tips

Social Media Automation Tips

Social media automation can be a great solution for the small business owner, and there are tools available that can help. These automation tools allow you to manage all your social media channels from one central platform. You get all the benefits of social media but in a fraction of the time. However, if you’re considering shifting to social media automation, remember these three key points.…

6 Tips on Productivity

I’d say I’m a very productive person, especially when I take on several tasks that I am passionate about. Sometimes I take on more than I can handle because I really love what I do and it questions my limitations and about productivity. So to get more productive, here are some of my reflections on productivity, time management and how to stay focused and organized. …

Do You Have a Plan B?

Think about all the tools that you use on a daily basis – the ones that make and drive your business. If one of them were to disappear or become irrevocably unusable, do you have a Plan B? If you don’t, sit down and really think about the impact of not having a backup system. Without a Plan B, if something goes awry, and things will go awry, you need to have a plan, a process, and a procedure, to keep moving and keep your productivity levels high.…

Tools to be a Successful Virtual Assistant

Now more than ever is an exciting time to start your own virtual assistant business. Whether you have been downsized or just want out of the corporate world, then start planning now to launch your own career. The best part is: you determine your income, your hours, your work location, and your clients. You can’t say that working for someone else!…