Tag Archives: Feedly

6 Tips on Productivity

I’d say I’m a very productive person, especially when I take on several tasks that I am passionate about. Sometimes I take on more than I can handle because I really love what I do and it questions my limitations and about productivity. So to get more productive, here are some of my reflections on productivity, time management and how to stay focused and organized. …

Do You Have a Plan B?

Think about all the tools that you use on a daily basis – the ones that make and drive your business. If one of them were to disappear or become irrevocably unusable, do you have a Plan B? If you don’t, sit down and really think about the impact of not having a backup system. Without a Plan B, if something goes awry, and things will go awry, you need to have a plan, a process, and a procedure, to keep moving and keep your productivity levels high.…