Meditation Habits That Motivate and Improve Your Focus

As a solopreneur, focus usually eludes us in the most inopportune times. If you haven’t tried meditation, a Zen related habit, but want to practice it, this post will inspire you to try it with the end goal of improving your focus. By practicing daily, you’re well on your way to reaching your full potential and create a better life for yourself and your business.

It is possible to achieve a Zen-based mindset when it comes to the business world. Meditation awakens your thoughts by improving your intuition, concentration and focus. This in turn, in the long run, will help you realize what matters most in life – both personally and professionally.

As you build your meditation habit, your focus will hone in on the motivations you need to achieve your goals.

Keep Your Goals in Vision

Cut out pictures from magazines or download them from the internet. By doing it that way, there’s a better chance that these images stay ‘stuck’ in your mind.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things. ~Albert Einstein

Consider Writing Down Your Small Goals

Big goals can only be achieved by taking small steps first. By writing down your small goals or achievements, you stay focused and on the right path to success.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~Confucius

Avoid Procrastination

If you want to start something new – don’t wait! Don’t let something block the path to starting now.

A perfect example is when one starts a business. Instead of continuing with a business plan, writing content, developing a marketing strategy, etc. there are those who stop because they haven’t come up with a business name. That can change. Plan, write and prepare. Don’t let that domino stop you from moving forward.

Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. ~Mark Victor Hansen

Stay Positive

This can be difficult for the average solopreneur, especially the home-based solopreneur. Exclude unnecessary negative thoughts that make you think you can’t do it or what obstacles you might still have to conquer. Stay focused on your goal and how you can make it happen.

Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation. ~Michael Jordan

Be Grateful

Practicing gratitude every day considering the ‘little things’ – may it be by achieving your small or big goals – in the long run, you’ll become interested in finding new opportunities.

Don’t forget .. keep a gratitude journal and review it when your mood wanes.

When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears. ~Tony Robbins

Stay Around People Who Inspire You

This is key!

Avoid negative people and surround yourself with people who have a positive impact in your life. It’s difficult to leave people you know and give you comfort, but it’s the right thing to do when it comes to your personal and professional growth.

People inspire you, or they drain you – pick them wisely. ~Hand F. Hansen

Include Daily Meditation

This habit is of utmost importance in order to sustain constant improvement in your life. Meditating for 10 minutes every day in a quiet and comfortable place, you improve your mind by being able to focus on your goal more clearly.

Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak. ~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Don’t Ignore The Why

If you haven’t read Simon Sinek’s Start with the Why or Leaders Eat Last, then stop and head over to Amazon and download a copy, or visit your public library. I cannot stress the value in the practical sage advice contained in those pages.

Take the Why into account, because it’s always easy to just give up when you become discouraged. Every day, think about why you really want to achieve this specific goal, and how it can improve other people’s lives as well.

All organizations start with WHY, but only the great ones keep their WHY clear year after year. ~Simon Sinek

Don’t Try To Achieve Your Goals All At Once

As a virtual professional, we know that delegation dump is never the way to start out with a client .. and your goals are no different.

By taking it step by step, you can focus more clearly on only one thing and at the same time have full on mental energy. This habit can also be easier achieved when meditation is part of your daily life.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. ~C.S. Lewis

Get Rid Of The Unimportant

May it be mentally or physically – thinking negatively about yourself and constant worrying, are unnecessary and a huge waste of time. Unimportant thoughts, clutter in the office or home, are obstacles that stand in your way and are prone to make you become discouraged, to procrastinate or to give up.

Practicing meditation techniques as part of your daily ritual. Without sugar-coating it, when you start – it’s challenging to calm the mind. Consider using an app like Headspace to build the habit.

Be patient.

Changes in habit take time.

Invest in yourself.

About Out of the Office Virtual Assistance:

Out of the Office Virtual AssistanceOut of the Office Virtual Assistance, designed with small businesses and professionals in mind, provides on-demand administrative support for any aspect of their business. A wide range of services is available to help with basic business needs – inbox management, appointment scheduling, project and task management, social media planning, web content creation and a workflow advisory to help with administrative streamlining. These services are designed to help increase your productivity, decrease your workload and help you work more effectively and efficiently.