7 Ways to Be A Better Project Manager When You Aren’t One

We aren’t all Project Managers by nature, but the role of a virtual assistant in business is evolving and suggests we will all need to acquire basic skills in project management. A large portion of the workforce already consists of people who grew up using social media and other social communication tools, giving rise to a work environment that is driven more by collaboration.

How can you enhance your project management skills without additional training? By developing and adapting the following skills that you already have.

Solve Problems

If you have identified a problem with existing processes, or with a new project, use your own initiative to compile an achievable action plan to solve it. Involve your team and other key personnel, and most of all, be enthusiastic.

Analyze and Understand

Ensure you have a deep and solid understanding of all projects you are involved in. From knowing the purpose of the project and the resources required, to knowing exactly how long it will take to complete. This allows you to avoid unrealistic deadlines, while ensuring that everyone involved also understands the purpose.

Organize and Track

Use collaboration software to effectively organize and track all steps of the project. Your team should be able to easily see what has been completed, what the next steps are and even identify relationships between key points of the project. If completion of the project is also contingent on certain clients, suppliers and business partners, give them access to the project via the software too.

Challenge Team Members

Assign tasks for the project based on how it will benefit each team members development, while also challenging them. Communicate the expectations clearly and make each member accountable for specific outcomes.

Lead Decisively

Identify and address issues as they arise, even if it means being assertive with certain team members. The mood might be uncomfortable for a short time, but the project won’t be in jeopardy. Understand each members method of approaching tasks and responding to requests and tailor your approach to them to accommodate this.

Don’t Micromanage

Give each team member space to work independently, without excessive interference from you. Allow each member to make decisions regarding their own tasks and only become involved when absolutely necessary. If your reporting, feedback and monitoring systems are properly in place you will know exactly what is happening without stepping on any toes.

Support Your Team

Being an effective Project Manager means fully supporting your team through the highs and the lows. Encourage open and honest communication on all levels, and let them know that you accept that mistakes will be made, but responsibility will always be shared.

About Out of the Office Virtual Assistance:

logo1bAt Out of the Office, we are committed to providing earth-friendly administration and offer ideas and ways to increase your productivity, decrease your workload, and work more efficiently. We nurture a successful business relationship, while continuing to grow as your business partner. We are focused on streamlining your administration, social media planning and execution, and offering creative solutions for your business success.

Image credit: geralt | CCO Public Domain