When you purchase electronics, you pay for your purchase. When you want to recycle your electronics you also have to pay for it. It doesn’t make sense. Therefore instead of “wasting” your time going the recycle route you dump your electronics in the normal trash.
There is another option. You can go green and dispose of the device in the right way and at the same time earn money.
A company called Gazelle is of the same opinion as you; your electronics still have value. On Gazelle’s website you find search menus that tell you what the remaining market value of your electronics are. Before you trash your laptop, desktop computer, your digital camera or any other device, find out the value first. You then ship the device to Gazelle using the prepaid postage box they have sent to you for that purpose. Gazelle verifies the condition of your product and sends you a check after verification.
GreenPhone.com has a similar outlook. The website of GreenPhone.com also gives you the amount your cellphone or PDA is worth. You then mail the device to them and receive cash. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assessed that there are more than 500 million unused cell phones in the United States that are lying in a desk or stored somewhere. These obsolete devices contain dangerous chemicals such as arsenic and lead. It is very important to dispose of these devices in the right way because those chemicals can be released into the air we breathe, the soil we plant our crops in or into the groundwater.
GreenPhone.com gives you the opportunity to care for your planet and protect it while earning money at the same time. CollectiveGood.com, a sister site of GreenPhone.com donates the earnings to charity. They offer similar services as GreenPhone.com. A third possibility, and a great option, is CellPhonesForSoldiers.com. They use their earnings to give soldiers overseas calling cards so that they can contact friends and family here at home.
About Out of the Office Virtual Assistance:
At Out of the Office, we are committed to providing earth-friendly administration and offer ideas and ways to increase your productivity, decrease your workload, and work more efficiently. We nurture a successful business relationship, while continuing to grow as your business partner. We are focused on streamlining your administration, social media planning and execution, and offering creative solutions for your business success.
Image credit: johnhain | CC0 Public Domain
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