How does a virtual assistant start her career? Where do you begin? There are 6 tips that you can use when starting as a virtual assistant.
-1- Marketing
Market yourself wherever you are. Tell your friends and family that you have started a virtual assistant business. This will accomplish two things. One, you are advertising your services, which is the first step to a successful business, and two by marketing yourself, you could get a job or a referral from one of your friends.
-2- Website
You do need to have a website, where potential clients can see what services you offer. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to have a professional website. You can create your own site, and with WordPress platform, it is very easy to do. The content of your website is very important; it tells your potential client everything they need to know about your professionalism, your service and whether you are the right person for the job. Your email address must be professional.
-3- Experience
Potential clients want to know what your skills are and what kind of experience you have. Don’t forget about your basic characteristics and tendencies. It will tell a lot about your experience. For example, if you enjoyed creating schedules and organizing your cupboard, it shows you are organized which is an essential skill necessary as a virtual assistant. Make a list of your daily activities. Then convert them into skills and expertise. Include your work experience. Create a profile on LinkedIn and add all this information to the profile.
-4- Communication
The next step is to take these skills and expertise and convert it into features and benefits for the potential client. When the client reads your profile, it should tell them why the services you offer are what they need to solve their issues. It should be clear in their mind that you are the right person to hire.
-5- Testimonials
When someone else testifies about your quality and standard of work, it carries much more weight than when you do it. So how do you get testimonies from clients if you are starting out? Start off by offering your services at a discounted rate or even for free. In exchange for your excellent service, the client gives you a great feedback that you can display on your website for other potential clients to see.
-6- Network
Networking is probably the most important marketing tool to use. Tell people what you are doing, tell everyone. You can network in person, and also by using social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and even Pinterest are great tools to use to network. Don’t shove it in people’s faces, show them. Answer questions and comment on the topics with valuable information and expertise. The people will quickly realize that you know what you are talking about, and opportunities will present itself for work as a virtual assistant.
Networking in person is very powerful. Join local groups and meeting, for example the local LinkedIn group or Chamber of Commerce. Go prepared. Have an elevator pitch, in other words, be able to tell somebody what you do in less than 60 seconds, and have enough business cards ready to give to interested parties. Before you go to the meeting, take the time to develop an elevator pitch; you don’t want to be caught unaware.
About Out of the Office Virtual Assistance:
At Out of the Office, we offer ideas and ways to increase your productivity, decrease your workload, and work more efficiently. We nurture a successful business relationship, while continuing to grow as your business partner. We are focused on streamlining your administration, social media planning and execution, and offering creative solutions for your business success.
Image credit: JeongGuHyeok | CC0 Public Domain